2024 District Conference Schedule/Agenda

September 27 & 28

Prince of Peace Church of the Brethren


“Breathe in the Beloved”

Breathe – Release – Envision – Act – Trust – Hear/heal - Evolve

Breathe – Release – Envision – Act – Trust – Hear - Evolve


September 27 & 28       

Friday, September 27

8:15am         Registration opens, coffee and pastries (Foyer)

8:45am         Breath Prayer & Body Movement (Lower Level)

10:00am       Welcome & Session 1 of Kingian Non-Violence Training (Sanctuary)

12:30pm       Lunch (Fellowship Hall)

1:30pm         Session 2 of KNV Training (Sanctuary)

3:30pm         Break - visit with each other and the exhibits (Foyer & Parlor)

4:00pm         Session 3 of KNV Training (Sanctuary)

5:40pm         Dinner (Fellowship Hall)

6:30pm         Pre-worship music (Sanctuary)

6:45pm         Worship (Sanctuary)


Saturday, September 28

8:20am         Registration (Foyer)

8:45am         Gathering music (Sanctuary)

9:00am                             BREATHING IN THE BELOVED

                   Welcome – Moderator, Tracy Sturgis

                          Seating of Delegates – Moderator-Elect, Tom Menke

                   Approve Agenda

                  Affirmation of Slate – Past Moderator, Ty Pyles

9:20am                            RELEASING OUR HELD BREATH

                   District Board, Chair – Todd Reish

              District Executive, Interim – Nick Beam

              Mission & Ministry of Church of the Brethren, General Secretary – David Steele

               Standing Committee, District Representative – Becky Maurer

9:50am                             ENVISIONING OUR JOURNEY

                   Vision Renewal, Stan Dueck and Karen Garrett

               Resource Development, Sarah Friedrich

                   District Communications, Mary Boone and Amy Hager

10:30am                           ACTING TOGETHER IN FAITH

                   Brethren Retirement Community, John Warner

              Shared Ministries, Mindy Tipton

                   Camping & Retreat, Carrie Drees

              Brethren Disaster Ministries, Helen Wolf

              Bethany Theological Seminary, Doug Macias

             On Earth Peace, Irv Heishman

11:30am                            TRUSTING THE SPIRIT

                   2025 Proposed Budget, Stuart & District Board, Discussion and Vote on budget

12:00pm       LUNCH BREAK (Fellowship Hall)

1:00pm         Recognition of Ministry Anniversaries

                     Ministry Commission, Sie Brock

                    Part time Pastor-Full Time Church, Richard Wehrle

1:45pm                        HEARING FOR HEALING

                  Standing With People of Color, Bruce Rosenberger

                 A Year of Breathing, Tracy Sturgis

2:30pm                             EVOLVING TOGETHER

               Evolving Community Action Groups, participants from the Kingian Non-Violence Training

                   Table Talk:  The future of District Board members

              Next year in the life of our District, Tom Menke

4pm    Adjourn